This month we would like to give a special shout out to several of our stores who are fundraising for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Yogurtini Plaza in Kansas City, MO held a fundraiser on October 21st where 20% of the day’s total sales went to the American Cancer Society to help fund breast cancer research and awareness efforts. They have also partnered with Diagnostic Image Center in Kansas City to provide 20% off coupons to those customers who get mammograms at the center.
Yogurtini Wayne in New Jersey has been fundraising all month long for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. By selling pink spoons in store for $1 they have raised close to $400 of their $1,000 goal.
For women in the United States breast cancer rates are second highest than any other cancer. 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime and there are more than 3.1 million people in America who have a history of breast cancer. This is an issue which affects millions of people in our country every year. Early detection is key and we encourage everyone to take the steps to know their family history and lifestyle risk factors. Knowledge is power when it comes to cancer and together we can end the fight against this deadly disease.
If you would like to learn more about breast cancer, early detection and donations please visit the American Cancer Society at or the National Breast Cancer Foundation at
If you would like more information on Yogurtini Wayne’s froyo fundraising efforts, please visit their Facebook page
If you would like more information on Yogurtini Plaza’s froyo fundraising efforts, please visit their Facebook page
This article was written with assistance from